Sin embargo, su suerte cambió al llegar hasta Egipto las luchas civiles de Roma: persiguiendo a su enemigo Pompeyo, Julio César fue a Egipto y tomó partido por Cleopatra en el conflicto con su hermano. Durante la llamada «Guerra Alejandrina» (48-47 a. C.) murieron tanto Pompeyo como Ptolomeo XIII y tuvo lugar el incendio de la legendaria Biblioteca de Alejandría, que se perdió para siempre.
Cleopatra fue repuesta en el Trono por César, que se había convertido en su amante (46 a. C.); y contrajo matrimonio de nuevo con su otro hermano, Ptolomeo XIV, a quien manejó a su antojo. Cleopatra trató de utilizar su influencia sobre César para restablecer la hegemonía de Egipto en el Mediterráneo oriental como aliada de Roma; y el nacimiento de un hijo de ambos -Ptolomeo XV o Cesarión- parecía reforzar esa posibilidad.
Tras el asesinato de César en el 44 a. C., Cleopatra intentó repetir la maniobra seduciendo a su inmediato sucesor, el cónsul Marco Antonio, que por aquel entonces luchaba con Augusto por el poder (36 a. C.). Cleopatra y Antonio impusieron su fuerza en Oriente creando un nuevo reino helenístico capaz de conquistar Armenia en el 34.
Tras el asesinato de César en el 44 a. C., Cleopatra intentó repetir la maniobra seduciendo a su inmediato sucesor, el cónsul Marco Antonio, que por aquel entonces luchaba con Augusto por el poder (36 a. C.). Cleopatra y Antonio impusieron su fuerza en Oriente creando un nuevo reino helenístico capaz de conquistar Armenia en el 34.
(VII) last queen of Egypt, belonging to the dynasty of the Ptolemies or Lágidas (Alexandria, 69 - 30 BC). Daughter of Ptolemy XII, was married to her own brother Ptolemy XIII, who inherited the throne in the year 51 a. C. Soon conflicts broke out between two brothers and husbands, who led the dethronement of Cleopatra.
However, her luck changed when you reach Egypt until civil strife in Rome: chasing his enemy Pompey, Julius Caesar went to Egypt and Cleopatra took the side in the conflict with his brother. During the so-called ( War Alejandrina ) (48-47 BC) died while Pompey as Ptolemy XIII and the fire took place in the legendary Library of Alexandria, which was lost forever.
Cleopatra was in response to the Throne by Caesar, who had become his lover (46 BC), and married again with his other brother, Ptolemy XIV, who drove at will. Cleopatra tried to use its influence over Cesar to restore the hegemony of Egypt in the eastern Mediterranean as an ally of Rome and the birth of a son, Ptolemy XV or Cesarión-appeared to reinforce that possibility.
After the assassination of Caesar in 44 a. C., Cleopatra tried to repeat the maneuver seducing his immediate successor, the consul Marco Antonio, then struggled for power with Augustus (36 BC). Anthony and Cleopatra imposed their strength in the East creating a new Hellenistic kingdom is capable of conquering Armenia at 34.
However, her luck changed when you reach Egypt until civil strife in Rome: chasing his enemy Pompey, Julius Caesar went to Egypt and Cleopatra took the side in the conflict with his brother. During the so-called ( War Alejandrina ) (48-47 BC) died while Pompey as Ptolemy XIII and the fire took place in the legendary Library of Alexandria, which was lost forever.
Cleopatra was in response to the Throne by Caesar, who had become his lover (46 BC), and married again with his other brother, Ptolemy XIV, who drove at will. Cleopatra tried to use its influence over Cesar to restore the hegemony of Egypt in the eastern Mediterranean as an ally of Rome and the birth of a son, Ptolemy XV or Cesarión-appeared to reinforce that possibility.
After the assassination of Caesar in 44 a. C., Cleopatra tried to repeat the maneuver seducing his immediate successor, the consul Marco Antonio, then struggled for power with Augustus (36 BC). Anthony and Cleopatra imposed their strength in the East creating a new Hellenistic kingdom is capable of conquering Armenia at 34.